

Degree awarding entity: Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), Sevilla (Spain).

PhD program: Estudios Medioambientales

Organism: Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC)

Department: Wetland Ecology

Supervisors:  Dr. Jordi Figuerola Borras, Dr. Josué Martínez de la Puente

Thesis committee: Dr. Ramón Soriguer, Profesor Dr. Santiago Merino, Dr. Joan Carles Senar, Profesor Dr. Staffan Bensch

Thesis title: Biodiversity and vector-borne diseases: effects of landscape, mosquito and vertebrate communities on the transmission of West Nile virus and avian malaria parasites

Obtained qualification: Summa cum laude,

Extraordinary doctorate award 2016/2017.

Award for the best Ornithology thesis in Spain for SEO/BirdLife.


28/09/2006 – 14/09/2009

Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences.

Thesis: Processes of colonization of artificial wetlands in Amphibians.

Supervisors: Prof. Marco A. Bologna, Dr. Leonardo Vignoli

University of Roma Tre – Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Roma (Italy)

BSc Biology, 110/110 cum laude

01/10/2009 – 15/09/2011 

Magistral degree in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management – Environmental curriculum.

Thesis: Breeding bird community in Beechwood of Allumiere (Rome, central Italy): structure, composition, and relationship with some environmental parameters.

Supervisors: Prof. Marco A. Bologna, Dr. Corrado Battisti.

University of Roma Tre – Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Roma (Italy).

MSc II Level Biology, 110/110 cum laude

14/11/2011 – 24/07/2012

Official Master of II Level in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology. 

University Pablo de Olavide (UPO), Seville (Spain)

MSc Biology, 9,7/10


06/05/2013 – 17/05/2013

VIII advanced training course on animal protection and experimentation

Category: C, required for accreditation for the management and handling of animals.

Degree awarding entuty: University of Córdoba, Campus de Rabalanes

Hours: 200 hours including theoretical and practical classes (8.0 credits ECTS) 


CODE:  D= doctorate, P= postdoctoral, O= other (to specify)


16/10/2008 – 31/05/2009

University trainee at the Center for Wildlife Recovery of Rome (Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli, LIPU). 

University of Roma Tre, Roma (Italy).

Supervisors: Francesca Manzia. 

CODE: O (Erasmus grant)


20/09/2009 – 25/09/2010

LLP/Erasmus Program

University of Salamanca (USAL), Salamanca (Spain)

Topic: handling and Conservation of Vertebrates – Methods of sampling, preservation and analysis in Zoology – Methods and techniques of study in populations, communities and ecosystems – Evolution of Chordates – Ecology Systems – Phytocenology – Phytogeography

CODE: O (Erasmus grant)


14/06/2011 – 14/09/2011

LLP/Erasmus Student Placement Program

Doñana Biological Station, EBD-CSIC. Seville (Spain)

Supervisors: Jordi Figuerola, Ramón Soriguer & Josué Martínez-de la Puente

Topic: training and development of molecular biology techniques applied to the ecology field: methods for extraction and manipulation, amplification and sequencing of genetic material; management and collection of biological samples from wildlife

CODE: O (Placement grant)


23/06/2014 – 11/07/2014

Research stay: Center for Research in Animal Health (CISA – INIA)

Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain. 

Supervisor: Miguel Angel Jiménez Clavero, Francisco Llorente de Gracia

Topic: collaboration in the serological study of the presence of antibodies to various flavivirus in blood of wild birds captured in the National Park of Doñana.



03/09/2015 – 25/11/2015

Research stay: Lund University 

Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Lund, Sweden

Supervisor: Staffan Bensch

Topic: training and development of phylogenetic techniques for the analysis of avian malaria parasites from house sparrow (Passer domesticus) from Southern Spain.



01/06/2016 – 31/08/2016

Research stay: Utrecht University

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Farm Animal Health – Theoretical Epidemiology.

Supervisor: Hans Heesterbeek

Topic: Analyze the basic reproduction number R0 in different urban, rural and natural areas of Western Andalusia. This metric is useful in epidemiology to study how the abundance and diversity of vectors (mosquitoes), hosts (birds) and the composition of the animal community can influence an outbreak of an infectious disease.




During my pre-doctoral period, I was awarded 8 scholarships/contracts obtained in competitive calls, including my main source of funding for the doctorate, and 10 awards/prizes:

21/02/2023 – X Prize of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Castilla y León and the Council of Veterinary Associations of Castilla y León, for the work “Malaria aviar, una enfermedad que afecta a nuestras aves: Circulación activa en mosquitos en diversos hábitos del suroeste español.

12/01/2021- 10th edition of the AEET-SIBECOL Grants for research projects led by young researchers – “Gaining independence”.

13/11/2019 – Best ornithology PhD Thesis in Spain for SEO/BirdLife.

12/07/2018 – Extraordinary Doctorate Award, academic year 2016/2017, Pablo de Olavide University (UPO).

27/03/2018 – Research Grants from the SEO/BirdLife – 2017 for the project ‘Efectos de la urbanización y cambios en el uso del suelo sobre la condición fisiológica de las aves silvestres’ (Effects of urbanization and land-use change on the physiological condition of wild birds).

30/11/2017 – Research Grants from the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology (SEEEE) – 2017 for the project ‘¿Azar o selección? Explicando el comportamiento de alimentación hematófago de los mosquitos’ (Chance or selection? Explaining the feeding behavior of hematophagous mosquitoes).

17/05/2016- Sponsorship Fund for Young Researchers, Promega Biotech Ibérica S.L. for young researchers.

28/08/2015 – EOU Fledgelings Talk Competition – 3rd place best oral presentation at the 10th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union (EOU 2015) held in Badajoz (Spain) from 24 to 28 August, with the communication: Effects of landscape and mosquito community on malaria prevalence in wild house sparrows. Ferraguti M, Martínez-de la Puente J, Roiz D, Ruiz S, Soriguer R, J. Figuerola.

26/05/2014 – Best scientific paper PhD category, under the Severo Ochoa Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC) program with article: Ferraguti M. Martinez de la Puente J, J Muñoz, Roiz D, Ruiz S, Soriguer R, Figuerola J (2013) Avian Plasmodium in Culex mosquitoes and Ochlerotatus from southern Spain: effects of season and host-parasite dynamics on feeding source. PloS One 8: e66237.

21/11/2012 – Accesit award in the National Spanish “Certamen Universitario Arquímedes de Introducción a la Investigación Científica“, organized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Sponsors: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Astrazeneca Foundation, Repsol